Sunday 14 September 2014


     IMMUNATION: Arming Science Clubbers with Healthful Defences towards National Wellness- theme of this year’s Science Month Celebration.

     We cannot deny that Science contributed a lot in human development especially in line with Medicine.  With Science, causes of diseases were discovered, the what’s, why’s and how’s of illnesses were answered and with science the cures of these diseases were found. In short, science had helped in lightening up the world through discoveries. But as time goes by, more and more diseases are coming out of nowhere that’s why Science Clubbers encourage us to be armed with vaccines so that we won’t be influenced with these diseases. The theme of this year’s Science Month Celebration is opening our eyes to see brighter and to be aware of the things happening to our health.  We need to be extra careful to our health and lifestyle to be immune to harmful diseases.
     Let’s move! We need to start making a change and preparing for whatever sickness which will come. We need to do it now because who knows what when it becomes severe. Having sickness is a serious matter, you cannot just gamble with it because it has only two options it’s whether you live or you die, yes, it’s true that only God know when you die but it is also about keeping yourself healthy so let us all be ARMED and READY for any sickness for our own wellness.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Superman? I prefer my DAD.

Hero- n.  a person who is greatly admired
-Merriam-Webster Dictionary

            A true hero reflects imitable courage and bravery. Everyone seems to know only the heroes of the past but is blinded with the acts of heroes in today’s generation. Yes, the heroes of today might not have done things like fight for the freedom nor save thousands of lives but still they have done some simple things which can change lives forever, some things you haven’t thought about until now.
            My hero is a life saver. I would have regretted living if it wasn’t for him. He is the reason why I’m still fighting all the challenges I face. “You need to learn how to walk with your own feet and stand up when you fall because one day I won’t be able to guide you.” My hero once said. He taught me to battle all my fears away because one cannot live in fear. He taught me to be brave and he didn’t let me down, my hero always believed in me no matter what. My hero is my Dad.
            I don’t know why but I feel closer to my dad. He may be on the other side of the world but it feels like he is always here with me. It was really brave of him to face the world alone, leave his family to work abroad. I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be with no one close to you while in the middle of the sea but he kept it all inside, he thought of his family first before himself. He thought about us, he wanted the best for us so he endured the pain just to earn money for the family. My dad wanted us to live a plenty and comfortable life. He had given more than enough.

             My dad’s love for us is supernatural. He’s love for us is unconditional. We would have been living in the dumpster right now if it wasn't for the sacrifice he made. He made our lives easier. He saved our lives like any hero would do but in his own simple way. He is worthy to be called hero because I admire him with all my heart, no words can explain how  grateful I am to have him as my dad.