Tuesday 8 July 2014

A Letter to The President

President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino,

                As a concerned citizen of our country, the Philippines I just want to take this opportunity to tell how the current issues regarding the Pork Barrel Scam affect us, the youth. It's a shame to know that our very own leaders corrupt the money of the people instead of using it to improve the quality of life in the country. It was very selfish of them to use the money for their our betterment when the people of the Philippines is suffering from poverty and they depend on the leaders to help them with their lives.
                 The Pork Barrel Scam is very intriguing since most of the names involved are known and respected. The thing that worries me is when the money won't come back and the billions of money, which is suppose to be for the citizens will just go to waste without it being retrieved. since it is a very timely issue, the whole media world are focusing to soon and the supreme court will have todecide as soon as possible so that other problems will be focused on.
                 My point is that the Pork Barrel Scam is not the only problem in the Philippines is facing but it seems that everyone is focused on it while people are dying due to poverty.

Sincerely Yours,
Regina Gdansk Bello,
A concerned citizen

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