Sunday 3 August 2014

Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan

Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan


              “Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan”, the theme of the Nutrition Month this year is very timely and seasonal sine the Philippines  is experiencing calamities and the citizens of the country is going through a lot of problems regarding the effects of the calamities in their lives.
                Even in the olden times, calamities were obstacles and due to lack of preparation , Filipinos were always severely affected by it. The theme is telling us to open our eyes and minds to enlighten us with the mistake we made in the past and to help us think for a solution in this problem. It is also right for us to think for a resistance against sickness these calamities give us regarding our health issues. This widespread problem is a menace sine it doesn’t only give diseases and illnesses it also shortens food supply and with that food becomes expensive and poor people cannot afford it and it causes malnutrition to the poverty. It is better if we eat food which strengthens our immunity against diseases.

                “Be Ready, Be Prepared”, a saying which always appear on my mind when calamities come. We must always be ready to face these calamities so that the results won’t be the same as what happened on the past.

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