Monday 13 October 2014

Hero in The Making

Hero in The Making

            I always knew not all superheroes wear capes; some just wear normal clothes and uniform.
            Back when, I was in elementary. My teacher always scolded me. Why? Because I was too silent, just sitting on my seat and that pushed me to practice my speaking skills so that I won’t be scolded again. Since I grew more participative in class, I got higher grades and all her teachings that I should be confident stayed in my head and brought me to my position today. A life changer she is.
            They say that being a teacher is the noblest profession, it sure is! I love it how one person can change so many lives and It must have been and honor to them if they see their students become professionals. Without a teacher there won’t be any doctors, nurses, lawyers or any other professions out there.
            My teachers are my inspiration in making my life improved day by day. They teach me not only things from the book but also in battling in everyday’s survival. I can’t imagine all the sacrifices a teacher does to all his/her students. It takes skill to talk in front and try to explain to the students what you’re talking about. It saddens me to think that these educators aren’t getting what they deserve and I think it’s just proper to have a day to honor and to be grateful to them.

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