Thursday 23 October 2014

Intramurals 2k14

          Intramurals 2k14 – out last year in High School, out last Intramurals in the four corners of ISNHS, we need to make this year’s Intramurals memorable. But when things started to sound great, it all went unexpectedly WRONG!
          The CAT unit was instructed to have the duty. I was assigned to manage everything since the Corps Commander and Corps EXO are busy. I really didn’t know how to start the duty but I considered everyone’s suggestion which is to stay with their friends. It’s our last Intramurals in ISNHS so why not make it memorable right?

                The first day of Intrams was great considering that I spent time with my crush. We watched the basketball game and I even got to try being the scorer of the game. I didn’t quite understand the game though but the important thing was I enjoyed it.

                Then, the second day of Intrams came... it came with a terrible storm and it ruined everything. Me and my girls have plans that day but unfortunately, the Intrams was postponed. The second day of Intrams was supposed to be all fun but it didn’t go well. We all had to stay at home and wait for further announcements.

                The Intrams was continued every 3:00pm that following weeked after the storm. We didn’t watch the games since we weren’t allowed to, only the athletes were excused in their classes. It was sad since it was the last Intrams and it vanished like a bubble not even having time to appreciate its beauty.

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