Thursday 23 October 2014

Where did the time go?

                What? The second grading period is over? Where did the time go?

                Second Grading. *sighs*

                What a busy quarter the second one is! I didn’t have enough time to really get the hang of having classes. I was too busy with so much extra-curricular things going on like the Sabayang Pagbigkas, Intramurals and the Pinning of Ranks.

                Too much of my time was wasted. I know that I should know my priorities and my priority is to study first before anything else. This grading, I lost my focus and will. My laziness took over and just like that every time I right blogs I really need to force everything out while in the first grading everything  went so smoothly and effortless. During the discussions I sometimes feel kind of lost and I can’t understand the teacher is saying.

                Moving on, I will really balance the time that I have. I should know my priorities. I should attend my classes regularly and be attentive in every second. I need to comply in every requirement just in time.

                I sure hope next grading my performance will be better. x

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