Friday 2 January 2015

3 down, 1 more to go

3rd Grading? Seriously.

        What.Just.Happened? I can’t even remember attending my classes. The 3rd Grading period had gone so fast I didn’t even noticed it pass.
        I can’t deny the fact that it was a very busy grading for me because of the different activities that I attended specially the press conferences. Thinking about my school work, I’m like at the point of breaking right now because I missed almost  all the lessons in all the subject. It’s frustrating really. I don’t know where to start. Ugh! But of course I need to get back in track the next grading and I need to put the my best game face on.

        Moving on, I wish that the last grading would just come and go fast. I’m so excited for college. 


Change for the Better
            Dear 2015, Please be good to me.
            I never liked new year resolutions. I never do them anyways so one day, I just gave up. All I could now is wish for the best and keep telling myself to step it up even more.
            This year will be very memorable since we are going to graduate from High School. Wohoo! I just couldn’t believe that it’s new year another, adventure awaits me, College. It’s hard to accept it but days pass very fast and I’m getting old. One day its new year and then the other day is my birthday. This year I need to track time and use it properly and never to take it for granted anymore. I hope 2015 will be a great year.

            I’m crossing my fingers for 2015 :D


        “Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way”
I woke up and suddenly IT’S CHRISTMAS! I never really noticed the time.
Christmas has always been sacred to us as a family. Never did we have a very grand Christmas Celebration. It was always prayers, gift giving and my favorite our so called family gathering where we sit in front of our Christmas Tree listening to Christmas carols and sharing stories and laughter.

During Christmas Eve we only have few dishes; simple ones then, greeted everyone a Jolly Christmas. When morning came, we went to church and thanked God for all the blessing he had showered upon me and my family. Christmas was always a time for praise and thanksgiving. 

Climate Change

Change for Climate Change

            Is it me? Or it’s just getting really hot? The weather nowadays is changing rapidly and we can’t seem adjust to its new state.
          The weather today is like a girl changing clothes. It never stops to change. It’s unpredictable some days it’s sunny then, the next it’s raining. Climate Change is really a burden to all of us but there is more to it than meets the eye. It is the main reason for rising of temperature, melting of ice caps in both south and north poles and also the acid rain. It degrades Mother Nature slowly and we, the human race are the only ones to blame for this catastrophic phenomenon.

Human activities have contributed substantially to climate change by adding CO2 and other heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere but we can still do something about it. If we could only change our ways and plant trees then we could restore the beauty Mother Earth once had.  There is time to save our future from destruction and pollution so get away from your computer and start the action through a cleaner and healthier world. Let’s Change for Climate Change!

English Month Celebration

English: The Chain of Nations
 “Outpouring Hearts and Minds through English Proficiency” – Theme of this year’s English Month Celebration.
English has always been the chain that linked countries together. Without English there won’t be any expression of thoughts and feelings. Communicating had never been easier with the use of ENGLISH.
Our school celebrated the English Month in December and there were various contests such as Quiz Bee, Spelling Bee, Speech Choir, Readers Theatre, Jazz Chants and of course the Parade of Characters where the students get to dress up copying their favorite mythological character.

The English Month Celebration is a great opportunity where the students can show and express their talents and skills in English namely speaking and writing. This celebration helped improved English Proficiency and Literacy and the English Department did a great job in launching this wonderful event.

Equal Rights, Equal Oppotunities

Equality: Be Fair to Everyone

          Equality has always been a dream to the human race. A impossible dream that can never be attain since everyone has it's own differences but that doesn't stop there. Equality can be observed in simple ways and as a student equality is very important specially when in comes to school work.
           As a child, I was raised with my two brothers equally. My parents treated us equally, what the other has the other two must have it also. Equality is a must in our house and it should also be in our school. We cannot deny the fact that their is favoritism in the four corners of the classroom and most of it is linked with the economical status of the student. This FAVORITISM must come to an halt. FAIR TREATMENT is always a MUST.
           Total equality is impossible to attain but when it comes to treatment, equality is never close to impossible. Equality can be easily done if it is in the mind set of that person. 
           In school, the most frequent scenario when equality is abused when choosing a contestant in a certain contest. Sometimes, they just handpick a contestant even though their is a possibility that someone can do it better. It's unfair! the right to do is to have an elimination contest and by that giving the students equal opportunities. 
           It is just right to treat people equally to avoid envy or jealousy. Being equal lessesn the hatred omitted. It's a simple act that can change the world so BE EQUAL. BE FAIR to everyone.