Friday 2 January 2015

English Month Celebration

English: The Chain of Nations
 “Outpouring Hearts and Minds through English Proficiency” – Theme of this year’s English Month Celebration.
English has always been the chain that linked countries together. Without English there won’t be any expression of thoughts and feelings. Communicating had never been easier with the use of ENGLISH.
Our school celebrated the English Month in December and there were various contests such as Quiz Bee, Spelling Bee, Speech Choir, Readers Theatre, Jazz Chants and of course the Parade of Characters where the students get to dress up copying their favorite mythological character.

The English Month Celebration is a great opportunity where the students can show and express their talents and skills in English namely speaking and writing. This celebration helped improved English Proficiency and Literacy and the English Department did a great job in launching this wonderful event.

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