Friday 2 January 2015

Climate Change

Change for Climate Change

            Is it me? Or it’s just getting really hot? The weather nowadays is changing rapidly and we can’t seem adjust to its new state.
          The weather today is like a girl changing clothes. It never stops to change. It’s unpredictable some days it’s sunny then, the next it’s raining. Climate Change is really a burden to all of us but there is more to it than meets the eye. It is the main reason for rising of temperature, melting of ice caps in both south and north poles and also the acid rain. It degrades Mother Nature slowly and we, the human race are the only ones to blame for this catastrophic phenomenon.

Human activities have contributed substantially to climate change by adding CO2 and other heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere but we can still do something about it. If we could only change our ways and plant trees then we could restore the beauty Mother Earth once had.  There is time to save our future from destruction and pollution so get away from your computer and start the action through a cleaner and healthier world. Let’s Change for Climate Change!

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