Saturday 14 February 2015

My Dream, My Future

The Not-so-Impossible Dream
          Ever since I could remember, I was fascinated with the human anatomy. I could say it intrigued me in every way. You can say it’s disgusting but for me it’s interesting. Since then, I wanted to become a doctor.
          Along the way, my mind started messing up. I wanted to become this and that. I wanted to become a lawyer. I wanted to become a business woman. I wanted to become a photographer. I wanted to become a teacher. I want to become like my father, an engineer. There were so many things I want become but there was so little time. Time was never in my favor and I hate it. Now that I’m sixteen, I needed to choose.
          I had to do a lot of thinking for this post since I want to become honest in every way. After the thinking which messed my head up, I decided that in the future I’ll be a doctor specifically a skin doctor or commonly called a dermatologist.

          I choose to be a dermatologist because I have this great interest with skin and I would love to study it and help people with skin diseases. I dream of it as my future. I wish it will be my dream and future. 

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