Thursday 23 October 2014

Where did the time go?

                What? The second grading period is over? Where did the time go?

                Second Grading. *sighs*

                What a busy quarter the second one is! I didn’t have enough time to really get the hang of having classes. I was too busy with so much extra-curricular things going on like the Sabayang Pagbigkas, Intramurals and the Pinning of Ranks.

                Too much of my time was wasted. I know that I should know my priorities and my priority is to study first before anything else. This grading, I lost my focus and will. My laziness took over and just like that every time I right blogs I really need to force everything out while in the first grading everything  went so smoothly and effortless. During the discussions I sometimes feel kind of lost and I can’t understand the teacher is saying.

                Moving on, I will really balance the time that I have. I should know my priorities. I should attend my classes regularly and be attentive in every second. I need to comply in every requirement just in time.

                I sure hope next grading my performance will be better. x

Intramurals 2k14

          Intramurals 2k14 – out last year in High School, out last Intramurals in the four corners of ISNHS, we need to make this year’s Intramurals memorable. But when things started to sound great, it all went unexpectedly WRONG!
          The CAT unit was instructed to have the duty. I was assigned to manage everything since the Corps Commander and Corps EXO are busy. I really didn’t know how to start the duty but I considered everyone’s suggestion which is to stay with their friends. It’s our last Intramurals in ISNHS so why not make it memorable right?

                The first day of Intrams was great considering that I spent time with my crush. We watched the basketball game and I even got to try being the scorer of the game. I didn’t quite understand the game though but the important thing was I enjoyed it.

                Then, the second day of Intrams came... it came with a terrible storm and it ruined everything. Me and my girls have plans that day but unfortunately, the Intrams was postponed. The second day of Intrams was supposed to be all fun but it didn’t go well. We all had to stay at home and wait for further announcements.

                The Intrams was continued every 3:00pm that following weeked after the storm. We didn’t watch the games since we weren’t allowed to, only the athletes were excused in their classes. It was sad since it was the last Intrams and it vanished like a bubble not even having time to appreciate its beauty.

Monday 13 October 2014

Hero in The Making

Hero in The Making

            I always knew not all superheroes wear capes; some just wear normal clothes and uniform.
            Back when, I was in elementary. My teacher always scolded me. Why? Because I was too silent, just sitting on my seat and that pushed me to practice my speaking skills so that I won’t be scolded again. Since I grew more participative in class, I got higher grades and all her teachings that I should be confident stayed in my head and brought me to my position today. A life changer she is.
            They say that being a teacher is the noblest profession, it sure is! I love it how one person can change so many lives and It must have been and honor to them if they see their students become professionals. Without a teacher there won’t be any doctors, nurses, lawyers or any other professions out there.
            My teachers are my inspiration in making my life improved day by day. They teach me not only things from the book but also in battling in everyday’s survival. I can’t imagine all the sacrifices a teacher does to all his/her students. It takes skill to talk in front and try to explain to the students what you’re talking about. It saddens me to think that these educators aren’t getting what they deserve and I think it’s just proper to have a day to honor and to be grateful to them.

Sunday 14 September 2014


     IMMUNATION: Arming Science Clubbers with Healthful Defences towards National Wellness- theme of this year’s Science Month Celebration.

     We cannot deny that Science contributed a lot in human development especially in line with Medicine.  With Science, causes of diseases were discovered, the what’s, why’s and how’s of illnesses were answered and with science the cures of these diseases were found. In short, science had helped in lightening up the world through discoveries. But as time goes by, more and more diseases are coming out of nowhere that’s why Science Clubbers encourage us to be armed with vaccines so that we won’t be influenced with these diseases. The theme of this year’s Science Month Celebration is opening our eyes to see brighter and to be aware of the things happening to our health.  We need to be extra careful to our health and lifestyle to be immune to harmful diseases.
     Let’s move! We need to start making a change and preparing for whatever sickness which will come. We need to do it now because who knows what when it becomes severe. Having sickness is a serious matter, you cannot just gamble with it because it has only two options it’s whether you live or you die, yes, it’s true that only God know when you die but it is also about keeping yourself healthy so let us all be ARMED and READY for any sickness for our own wellness.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Superman? I prefer my DAD.

Hero- n.  a person who is greatly admired
-Merriam-Webster Dictionary

            A true hero reflects imitable courage and bravery. Everyone seems to know only the heroes of the past but is blinded with the acts of heroes in today’s generation. Yes, the heroes of today might not have done things like fight for the freedom nor save thousands of lives but still they have done some simple things which can change lives forever, some things you haven’t thought about until now.
            My hero is a life saver. I would have regretted living if it wasn’t for him. He is the reason why I’m still fighting all the challenges I face. “You need to learn how to walk with your own feet and stand up when you fall because one day I won’t be able to guide you.” My hero once said. He taught me to battle all my fears away because one cannot live in fear. He taught me to be brave and he didn’t let me down, my hero always believed in me no matter what. My hero is my Dad.
            I don’t know why but I feel closer to my dad. He may be on the other side of the world but it feels like he is always here with me. It was really brave of him to face the world alone, leave his family to work abroad. I can’t imagine how miserable it is to be with no one close to you while in the middle of the sea but he kept it all inside, he thought of his family first before himself. He thought about us, he wanted the best for us so he endured the pain just to earn money for the family. My dad wanted us to live a plenty and comfortable life. He had given more than enough.

             My dad’s love for us is supernatural. He’s love for us is unconditional. We would have been living in the dumpster right now if it wasn't for the sacrifice he made. He made our lives easier. He saved our lives like any hero would do but in his own simple way. He is worthy to be called hero because I admire him with all my heart, no words can explain how  grateful I am to have him as my dad.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Wika ng Pagkakaisa


     “Ang wika ay susi ng puso at diwa, tuluyan ng tao’t ugnayan ng bansa.” Isang kasabihan galing kay Marisol Mapula. Ano nga ba ang silbi ng isang bansang hindi nagkakaintindihan? Kung walang intindihan, wala ring kapayapaan. Kaya nga idineklara ni Pangulong Manuel Quezon na Filipino ang gagamiting pambansang wika ng Pilipinas.

     Taon-taon, ipinagdiriwang ng buong bansa ang Buwan ng Wika tuwing buwan ng Agosto. Ipinagdiriwang ito upang hindi natin makalimutan ang wikang Filipino at upang bigyang halaga ito. Wika ng Pagkakaisa— ang tema ng buwan ng wika sa taong ito. Sa iba’t- ibang parte ng Pilipinas maraming magkakaibang wika ang nagkalat gaya ng wikang Iloco, Waray, Panggasinense at iba pa ngunit iisa lamang ang makakapag-ugnay sa atin. Kung ating susuring mabuti, sa wikang Filipino tayo magkakaugnay at makakaintindihan.

     Ang wikang Filipino ay likas sa mga Pilipino ngunit parang unti-unti na itong lumilipas kasama ng panahon, unti-unti na itong binabalewala at unti-unting napapalitan ng mga wikang pandayuhan. Ang wikang Filipino ay minsan ng naging susi para sa ating kalayaan. Ito rin ang nagsisilbing pagkakakilalan sa atin at gamit nito, maisasalamin ang ating pagiging pagkamakabayan.

     Hindi layunin ng selebrasyon ng Buwan ng Wika na hindi tangkilikin ang wikang pandayuhan , ang layunin nito ay ang ipaalala ang wikang atin upang hindi ito makalimutan at mapabayaan.Ang wikang atin ay ating gamitin dahil kung hindi natin ito gagamitin sino pa ba ang hihintayin natin na gagamit nito? Ang Filipino ay para sa Pilipino. Wika mo, Gamitin mo! 

Monday 11 August 2014

Have I done enough?

                     Have I done enough?

                     When school year 2014-2015 began, I was so troubled since I didn't know what to expect. I want to give all that I have got and put all my best on my works but still things don't end up the way I wanted them to be, problems always get in my way  but its still the first grading and I can still change all the mistakes I committed.

                      ICT IV had been stressful  challenging so far since I didn't really enjoy diary making nor I am not that type of person who writes(blogs) a lot. This whole blogging thing is new to me but its growing all over me. There are times that I really get into the things I blog. Sometimes, I developed this some kind of focus where I can't stop writing in my notebook or typing.

                      So far, the problems I encountered aren't that tough and they can easily be resolved or manageable. Aside from laziness, I have this problem called writer's block which means that I cannot think of words that I should put in my blog. There is also pressure put into you since you can see the beautiful works of others. The thing I needed to do was to find an inspiration in writing these things and then my mind keeps working and words just come out of nowhere.

                     Moving On, I will still put my best in my works and I wont give up on things immediately. I need to write better blogs and do everything I could to improve my blog plus, I will control myself specially in time management so that I wont rush thing that I do. I will keep in mind that rushing things will result to undesired products. Going back to the question "Have I done enough?", in my opinion, I still need to step up my game and focus more in my studies.

A quotation I should keep in mind

Sunday 3 August 2014

“The 2014 State of the Nation Address of President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino”

“The 2014 State of the Nation Address of President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino”

                  Last July 28,2014, the 15th president of the Philippines, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III  gave his second to the last state of the nation address to the citizens of the country which led to a numerous applause and standing ovations from the crowd.
                  The president mentioned all his accomplishments in the past all his projects in the future but he failed to mention was the problems the country is facing today specially the problem which regards to the Pork Barrel Scam. Many citizens were wondering why the Pork Barrel Scam wasn’t mentioned in his speech when that issue was the most controversial of the all. He also mentioned about his upcoming projects this year. I wish he would fulfill all of his promises for the betterment of the country and for these citizens.

                There were a lot of positive comments and negative comments but nobody is person and the president is only human and I believe him .I believe that he is doing his best to prove himself worthy and deserving in his position/

Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan

Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan


              “Kalamidad Paghandaan, Gutom at Malnutrisyon Agapan”, the theme of the Nutrition Month this year is very timely and seasonal sine the Philippines  is experiencing calamities and the citizens of the country is going through a lot of problems regarding the effects of the calamities in their lives.
                Even in the olden times, calamities were obstacles and due to lack of preparation , Filipinos were always severely affected by it. The theme is telling us to open our eyes and minds to enlighten us with the mistake we made in the past and to help us think for a solution in this problem. It is also right for us to think for a resistance against sickness these calamities give us regarding our health issues. This widespread problem is a menace sine it doesn’t only give diseases and illnesses it also shortens food supply and with that food becomes expensive and poor people cannot afford it and it causes malnutrition to the poverty. It is better if we eat food which strengthens our immunity against diseases.

                “Be Ready, Be Prepared”, a saying which always appear on my mind when calamities come. We must always be ready to face these calamities so that the results won’t be the same as what happened on the past.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

A Letter to The President

President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino,

                As a concerned citizen of our country, the Philippines I just want to take this opportunity to tell how the current issues regarding the Pork Barrel Scam affect us, the youth. It's a shame to know that our very own leaders corrupt the money of the people instead of using it to improve the quality of life in the country. It was very selfish of them to use the money for their our betterment when the people of the Philippines is suffering from poverty and they depend on the leaders to help them with their lives.
                 The Pork Barrel Scam is very intriguing since most of the names involved are known and respected. The thing that worries me is when the money won't come back and the billions of money, which is suppose to be for the citizens will just go to waste without it being retrieved. since it is a very timely issue, the whole media world are focusing to soon and the supreme court will have todecide as soon as possible so that other problems will be focused on.
                 My point is that the Pork Barrel Scam is not the only problem in the Philippines is facing but it seems that everyone is focused on it while people are dying due to poverty.

Sincerely Yours,
Regina Gdansk Bello,
A concerned citizen